Back Gold Medicine as the ancients called it, was used through history and continues to this day to be used as an outstanding healer since the 14th century Ming dynasty.“Ming” means brightness.
Many reports on the beneficial use of humic substances, especially Fulvic acid, for human health and medicine have been published. These include reports documented in the Chinese Material Medica pharmacological compendium, dating back to the 15th century Ming Dynasty. During that period, a very famous medical doctor, Li Shi Zhen, used "Wujinsan", meaning "golden medicine", containing humic and Fulvic acids as the active ingredient in the treatment of infectious ulcerous growth and female hemorrhage diseases. These studies showed humic and Fulvic acids to be efficient anti-inflammatory and blood coagulating agent.

Studies and Clinical Applications
Clinical medical studies using Humic and Fulvic Acids in China
Chinese Doctors
Chinese Doctors
Prior to 1978, humic and Fulvic acids had been used in Chinese hospitals and among the general chinese population for the treating of a wide range of diseases with success. Up to that point there was very little research conducted on the pharmacology of its therapeutic mechanism.
Many medical schools and hospitals in China have engaged in extensive studies on the toxicology and pathological aspects of humic and Fulvic acids and their clinical applications. Hundreds of research papers have now been published nationally in China, and some have appeared in international journals and have been presented at various meetings outside of China.
In one study in a hospital eye clinic in Shaoxin, Zhejiang Province, China, 53 patients with ulcerous cornea infection had 94.2% success rate when treated with Fulvic Acid eye drops and intramuscular injections. Yuan, Shenyuan; Fulvic Acid, 4 1988; in Application of Fulvic acid and its derivatives in the fields of agriculture and medicine; First Edition: June 1993.
In another study, 95 patients treated at Haidian Hospital in Beijing, China for chronic ulcerous colon infections with 30 dosages of a fulvic acid enema had 92.6% success rate. Yuan, Shenyuan; Fulvic Acid, 4 1988; in Application of Fulvic acid and its derivatives in the fields of agriculture and medicine; First Edition: June 1993.
In a study performed at Tongren Hospital, Beijing, China, 160 patients with acute upper gastroenterological bleeding had 95.6% success rate when treated with Fulvic acid oral medicine and injections. Yuan, Shenyuan; Fulvic Acid, 4 1988; in Application of Fulvic acid and its derivatives in the fields of agriculture and medicine; First Edition: June 1993.
Clinical medical studies using humic and Fulvic acids were performed on thousands of hemorrhoid patients, which were so successful that the Chinese government had a special pharmaceutical preparation developed for treatment of this condition, as an over-the-counter medicine for national distribution. Yuan, Shenyuan; Fulvic Acid, 4 1988; in Application of Fulvic acid and its derivatives in the fields of agriculture and medicine; First Edition: June 1993.
Studies of patients with gastric and duodenal ulcers showed that 91.1% had condition improve when treated with fulvic acid. Treatment showed no side effects, substantially diminished pain, with few relapses, with 61.1% of patients being completely cured. Xinsheng Zhu, Fulvic Acid, 9 (1991)
Hospital studies in China show that elderly patients, ages 60-90, when treated with fulvic acid, regained appetite, slept better, and became more energetic. Other hospital studies coming from India show that fulvic acids are considered to be a powerful anti-aging therapy that also able to help with symptoms of dementia. Erchuan Wang et al, Humic acid, 3 (1991)
Outpatient medical hospital studies on thyroid tumors, some cancerous, showed that injections with a special humic extract was 90% successful in stopping tumor growth and diminishing size of tumors, with 80% of patients having complete cures. He, Shenyi, et al; Humic acid in Jiangxi Province, 1 (1982)
Blood shot eyes: 47 cases studied, treated with fulvic acid eye drop and intramuscular injection. Success rate 93.6%. Study performed at an eye clinic in a hospital in Shaoxin, Zhejiang Province, China
Skin ulcers: 51 cases studied, treated with fulvic acid bath. Success rate 92.2%. Studies performed at Internal Medicine, Tongren Hospital, Beijing, China.
Rheumatoid arthritis: Large number of cases studied, treated with fulvic acid bath.
Success rate 92%. Studies performed at Haidian Hospital in Beijing, China.
Cancer of the esophagus, disease incubation period: 27 cases studied, treated using fulvic acid water solution for two years. 100% successful in preventing tumor progression into the cancerous state. Studies performed by Hongji Xie, et al.
Malnutrition in women: 1800 cases studied, treated with fulvic acid. Success rate 96.0%. Studies performed by Professor Deqing Yao at Tongren Hospital in Beijing, China.
Over-active thyroid: 33 cases studied, treated for 6 months of fulvic acid treatment. Success rate 90.9%. Studies performed at Tongren Hospital in Beijing, China.
Congenital regional neurological disease (deaf and dumb, mental retarded and seizure patients): Three groups studied, with one year of fulvic acid treatment. Success rate 30.3%. Studies performed at Tongren Hospital in Beijing, China, and Epidemic Prevention Station in Changping, China.
Hospital studies show that patients with normally incurable epidemic Hemorrhagic Fever were able to be successfully treated with humic extracts, which stopped bleeding, restored circulation, removed clots, was anti-viral, and significantly bolstered and regulated the immune system. Yinzhang Cui, Humic Acid, 1 (1991)
In many clinical cases infections were accompanied by blood seeping into the area, or bleeding caused ulcers. Fulvic acid moderates ulcerous conditions on the basis of its anti-inflammatory nature, its coagulating nature, and general healing ability.
Chinese doctors now use Fulvic related medicines to reduce inflammation, increase circulation and control bleeding, to regulate the immune system and hormone systems, to heal digestive tract disorders, and as an anti-cancer and anti-tumor therapy.
The above studies have confirmed that naturally-occurring humic acid preparations can stimulate the production of cytokines, including interferon-gamma, interferon-alpha, interferon-beta, and tumor necrosis factor-alpha. What this means is that a valid mechanism has been discovered, proven, and documented, whereby humic extracts are able to work with the body to selectively seek out and destroy cancer cells.
Pharmaceutical companies in Da Tong, Shanxi, in Gongxian, Henan and in Kunming, Yunnan are manufacturing humic acid medicines which are appoved by the Chinese Drug Administration. Because of their non-toxicity, the humic extract Fulvic acid is approved for internal as well as external use.
In summary, as a result of the joint efforts contributed by both the basic science researchers and clinicians, the fulvic acid component derived from humic acid has proven to be an effective and a safe remedy for a wide range of diseases. This accomplishment has raised the curiosity and interests of scientists from abroad. As evidenced by "The Recent Progress in Chinese Medicine" published In Singapore and "Fulvic Acid" published in Germany.
Over 50% of hospital patients noticed that they were able to sleep more relaxed when treated with fulvic acid, a humic extract. Improved sleep came as an added benefit since the patients were already being treated with the fulvic acid for various chronic diseases. Bingwen Su, Jiangxi Humic Acid, 3 (1985)